Most of the prospects do not convert right after clicking Display Ads

The analysis conducted by Fringe81 in 2011

The analysis conducted by Fringe81 in 2011

According to the analysis conducted by Fringe81 in 2011, the majority of conversions are gained from example C and D (80%). Example A is the typical conversion path which starts with the users viewing an online banner Ad, then clicking the banner ad which results in a conversion. Example B begins with a user viewing an online banner ad, then clicking the banner ad and following up with a search using the search engine which results in a conversion. Example C begins with a user viewing an online banner ad, then searching using the search engine which results in a conversion. Example D begins with a user viewing an online banner ad, then visiting other affiliated websites which results in a conversion. Example E begins with a user searching using the search engine and then viewing an online banner ad which results in a conversion. Example A leads to 3% of conversions, Example B leads to 1% of conversions, Example C leads to 40% of conversions, Example D leads to 40% of conversions and Example E leads to 15% of conversions.